Hey Gang,
So after I wanted to finish giving the shirts their own threads to help bump interest. So here goes for the custom 4th Doctor Season 12 Check shirts. Made from standard shirting cotton printed from spoonflower.
More info
These are possible if we manage a minimum of 10 people (and a max of 25 people per run).
Current List:
Updating: some drops, adds and paid. Deadline has passed but I've given two guys til the 23rd or so so any last min add-ons still welcome.
1. timelord25 (GB) L Confirmed PAID
2. bigfinishfan (GB) S Confirmed PAID
3. adam_e (GB) L Confirmed PAID
4. Ulll Dar Borealis (GB) 3XL Confirmed PAID
5. Biermeister (Prydon) 3XL Confirmed PAID FULL
6. ssshunt (dwcosplay/FB) XL Confirmed PAID
7. Nic Neidenbach (FB/dwcosplay) 2XL Confirmed PAID
8. bgorman93 (dwcosplay) L confirmed PAID
9. Tammy M. (FB) 3XL Confirmed PAID
10. Davy (GB) 4XL Confirmed PAID
Final list. These should be ready to ship this Wednesday 12-4-13
Okay I'm setting a deadline of Sept 27th for payment. $145.00 each. If you want a quote with shipping let me know otherwise this can be paid upon completion of the shirts. Turnaround is approx. 4 weeks. Can take add ons until then.
Will drop everyone PM's and emails on this now.
Prototype shirt
If you wish to sign on, PM me or post here with your size and contact info. If you have interest in more than one please list them in order of preference/priority.
As a reminder a size guide:
chest to size:
36" = XS
38" = Small
40" = Med
42" = Large
44" = XL
46" = 2XL and so on.