(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 23:37

Ganymede Selwyn (was a contemporary of Abraxas and Druella) Alexander’s grandfather decided that rather then intermarry with already well inbred families, he would transport his family. He moved to Japan and married.

His son was Ulysses Selwyn, a contemporary of Avery and Goyle seniors. He was one of the first Death Eaters, friend to a school aged Tom Riddle and one of the original Death Eaters. Fought during the first war, was mentor to many of the younger Death Eaters. When the Dark Lord was vanquished, he went to Azkaban rather betray his comrades. His wife, another Japanese pure witch, returned home (read: fled) right after the Dark Lord vanished, back to Japan to raise her school aged son. Ulysses died in the time between the wars.

His son came to be known as Oonda Alexander, taking his mother’s maiden name. Alexander was raised, and schooled in Japan. When the Dark Lord returned in 94, Alexander, then about 25, returned to Britain to take the Mark to avenge his father and family. Somewhat a romantic and gallant man Alexander is very much entranced and intrigued by the Bushido, or honorable warrior mentality of Japan. Values his family greatly but would not for a moment forsake his beliefs and principals to save his family. In his eyes, that would be the greatest dishonor he could do.

He ran several errands and missions for the Dark Lord, and helped overtake the Ministry but did not fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. He was arrested, and sentenced to time in Azkaban that he completed and then returned home to Japan during the nineteen-year lull between the second and third wars.  He is roughly 47 at the time of the third war.

His wife is Oonda Sumi She met Alexander on a business trip and married him within three months. Sumi is largely nonverbal and it is rumored she is a Seer. She is attracted to power. (Easily guessed by the fact she is younger then Alexander by many years.) And was very devoted to him till she heard of the Dark Lord. Sumi is entranced by the concept of a man who would overcome death. Is very much in love with the Dark Lord, and Bellatrix. She despises men she views as weak-willed and dishonorable and the idea of fractured, adopted families not connected by blood. If her family could be viewed roughly as the Japanese equal of the Black family then she is a young version of Sirius mother.

Together they have a four-year-old son named Xavier Oonda.

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