No matter how many times I see the movie or how often I reread the book, I always cheer for McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and be really really sad for Billy and just want to hug the Chief.
It's weird of me but every time I watch the movie and I see Nurse Ratched... even though it's obvious that she is... extremely controlling and just plain scary, I keep thinking there's a nice side to here somewhere. Like when Billy begged her not to tell his mother about the stuff that happened, I always kept hoping (even though I know what happens, from reading the book and seeing the film a lot) that she wouldn't. I wasn't going, "Pfft, she's gonna tell..." I was going, "I hope she doesn't tell this time" even though it's obvious... yeah. xDDD;
I'm a hopeless idiot. :'D Whether I wanted to think that Nurse Ratched was a good person at heart or just a cold, heartless bitch, either way, I knew that McMurphy was going to end up strangling her. And either way, I wanted it to happen anyway.
It's amazing how a film can effect a person. D: I still think that red devil of a nurse has a good side despite all that she has done.
On a happier side, my favorite scene was probably when the Chief first talked. "Thank you." I thought that scene was hilariously cute.
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I love how whenever the Chief does smile, it's like :3
And while watching the movie, I couldn't help but think of my copy of the novel... which was autographed by Toshihiko Seki (who signed it on the back of the front cover) and David Hayter (who signed it on the back cover). It makes my copy the most awesome book I ever owned. xDDD
I will never ever part with this book. :3