(no subject)

May 17, 2011 12:56

I wish I could've recorded yesterday's geology class and posted it here because my professor was being extra hilarious today. He was trying to explain plate techtonics with pokemon, specifically when he explains the whole oceanic vs oceanic/continential vs continential thing. He was saying "imagine a battle with Charizard- I imagine it's a fire type because of the char...vs a...Jigglypoof."

EVERY TIME HE SAID JIGGLYPOOF I (AND LIKE, SIX OTHER PEOPLE IN CLASS) LOSE MY SHIT. xDDDD We told him "Jigglypuff" and he's like "OOOOh. 8D;;;" He then asked what kind of pokemon battle would be a stalemate, like a draw. I suggested "magikarp vs magikarp."

And he thought pokemon were just trading cards the whole time. When folks explained the games and show, and what the show was about, he commented something along the likes of, "basically dogfighting. I worry about the next generation." xDD

Anyway...meme time~

4. Favorite Love Interest

Duuude, I like all of them. They all got their strong points and bring out more to the character. I try romancing all of them (in different playthroughs, not all at once xDD) because it reveals more about them (such as Isabela).

In DA:O, I enjoyed Zevran's romance a lot because it opens up a different side to him. Er, okay. It opens up different sides to all the LIs but I like his in particular. He's more than just the flirty elf.

In DA2...really hard to say. I do like Anders' a lot but uhh...not much room for a happy ending in there. And even if there was a happy ending, I think I would even be unsatisfied with it. I can't help but think that his relationship would just end in tragedy. Fenris is another great one. Opens up his softer side and it's pretty funny that he's a total tsundere. and those puppy eyes~ D'awww.

I do like Isabela's too. Between Fenris and Anders, Isabela's is probably the most...(oddly enough), adjusted.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I do have another favorite NPC from DA2. I feel bad for forgetting about him. Then again, you only talk to him like...once or twice anyway. It's Jethann, the funny male prostitute from the Blooming Rose. I like that he's voiced by the same guy who did the "experienced male elf" voice for the Warden in DA:O, which I picked for my M!Tabris. :'D

5. Least favorite Love Interest
6. Your Warden’s story
7. Favorite quest
8. Least favorite quest
9. Favorite class (ie; mage, warrior, rogue, assassin, healer…)
10. Favorite party banter
11. Favorite song from the soundtracks
12. OTP
13. Mages or Templars?
14. Character you wish was a romance option
15. Your favorite “Bro”
16. Your ultimate team from all games
17. Favorite Origins story
18. Character you are most like
19. Character who’d be your best friend
20. Character you wouldn’t get along with
21. Favorite villain
22. Favorite NPC
23. Scene you wish you could change the outcome of the most
24. Most shocking scene
25. Scene that made you cry
26. Crack OTP
27. Best part of the games
28. Worst part of the games
29. If you made a deal with a demon what would your bargain be?
30. Hopes for Dragon Age 3

school, meme, dragon age

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