Into the Planet: My Life as a Cave Diver & Liberation Run

Jun 29, 2020 20:54

I have been busily reading these last couple of weeks but haven't had a lot of time on online so I hope all of you are doing reasonably well considering everything.  I have missed posting book recs so I thought I would rec a couple of books I have really enjoyed over the last month.

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book rec, books i'm reading

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justjo2u July 6 2020, 12:05:46 UTC
Those sound good. To be honest cave diving and climbing mountains are not things i've ever wanted to try but reading about it is interesting.


honor_reid July 7 2020, 03:57:52 UTC
I don't know what it is about caves that fascinates me especially considering I am slightly claustrophobic, but they always have and an time I can go see a new one I do. I don't think I could even begin to attempt to do what Ms. Heinerth does though.


justjo2u July 7 2020, 10:15:37 UTC
They fascinate me but I too am claustrophobic. I remember visiting some cave in Spain as a child with my mum, aunt and uncle and cousins and I sobbed the entire time we were down there. And the adults laughed. I remember being fairly young and the only words I had to express how I felt was "I don't like it!" Things like phobias were not in my experience, but I think that's where it started. I can handle it better now. We visited Clearwell Caves with my kids and I was able to rationalise that it was safe and I was ok. But it's not my favourite place to be.


honor_reid July 10 2020, 03:41:31 UTC
Oh no I feel so bad for little you! I am glad you are now able to get through it better.


justjo2u August 12 2020, 13:03:40 UTC
Yes it's much less of an issue for grown up me but little me hated it.


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