Into the Planet: My Life as a Cave Diver & Liberation Run

Jun 29, 2020 20:54

I have been busily reading these last couple of weeks but haven't had a lot of time on online so I hope all of you are doing reasonably well considering everything.  I have missed posting book recs so I thought I would rec a couple of books I have really enjoyed over the last month.

More people have died exploring underwater caves than climbing Mount Everest, and we know more about deep space than we do about the depths of our oceans. From one of the top cave divers working today-and one of the very few women in her field-Into the Planet blends science, adventure, and memoir to bring readers face-to-face with the terror and beauty of earth’s remaining unknowns and the extremes of human capability...~Goodreads description

From the moment I heard about Jill Heinerth's autobiography I wanted desperately to read it. I love exploring caves there is something about them that have fascinated me since I was kid but I have never thought of exploring underwater caverns. This was such a good book. Jill Heinerth has lead such an interesting life and I greatly enjoyed reading about it. From her time exploring inside an iceberg in the Arctic, to working on the movie The Cave, to helping discover the worlds longest underwater cavern, Mrs. Heinerth has an unquenchable thirst for discovery and exploration. She also definitely has a way of telling her story that grabs the readers attention and won't let go, but at the same time has such heart to it that you can't help but become invested.

Carol Danvers--Captain Marvel--narrowly stops a spacecraft from crashing. Its pilot Rhi is a young Inhuman woman from a group who left for a life among the stars. Instead they were imprisoned on a planet where an enslaved Inhuman brings her owner great power and influence. Horrified by the account, Carol gathers a team--including Ant-Man, Mantis, and Amadeus Cho--and they set out to free Rhi's people. ~Goodreads

I really loved this book.  Other then the movie, which I loved, I am not overly familiar with Captain Marvel canon, but that did not hinder my enjoyment of this book at all.  This was a perfect action/adventure story and the team that Carol puts together feels very much like a found family, which is one of my favorite tropes.  What I particularly love is how all the drama was in their fighting the villain there was no internal conflict within the team.  Instead there is such a sense of comradery and teamwork as they work together to rescue a group of girls who are being held in slavery their powers exploited by the government on a far away planet. If you have any interest in Captain Marvel, the MCU, or even superheroes in general I highly recommend!

book rec, books i'm reading

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