Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

May 31, 2020 20:36

My Fifty-Second book for  ljbookbingo  is Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse for #7 Read a YA, card found here:

Lately, seventh grader Nizhoni Begay has been able to detect monsters, like that man in the fancy suit who was in the bleachers at her basketball game. Turns out he's Mr. Charles, her dad's new boss at the oil and gas company, and he's alarmingly interested in Nizhoni and her brother, Mac, their Navajo heritage, and the legend of the Hero Twins. Nizhoni knows he's a threat, but her father won't believe her.

When Dad disappears the next day, leaving behind a message that says "Run!", the siblings and Nizhoni's best friend, Davery, are thrust into a rescue mission that can only be accomplished with the help of Diné Holy People, all disguised as quirky characters...~Goodreads Description

Rebecca Roanhorse is a favorite author of mine, and I love her Sixth World series. It was a very good book. I loved Nizhoni and her brother Mac and friend Davery. I greatly enjoyed the plot and the adventure the three kids went on as they try to rescue Nizhoni and Mac's father and stop the monstrous Mr. Charles from freeing all the mythological monsters from Navaho legend.

I picked this book up back in January when I went to a book signing for the author Rebecca Roanhorse.

I haven't been to that many book signings so I was very excited to get to see one of my favorite authors in person.  She talked about what inspired her to write in the first place, how she was tapped to write this particular book by Rick Riordan, and what her next projects were.  She also read the first chapter and then took questions from the audience.  I got my copy of Trail of Lightning signed and I bought Race to the Sun at the same time.  All in all it was a great experience and I can't wait to go to more in the future!

With this book I have read all fifty two books on the LJ Book Bingo Reading Challenge.  I just wanted to say thank you to ljbookbingo for giving us this challenge! I had lots of fun and it became a great way to take my mind off the current situations.  
This entry was originally posted at https://under-the-silk-tree.dreamwidth.org/69644.html

book rec, personal, books i'm reading

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