I do believe that my job is turning my brain to mush. I stare at the
computer screen for 8 hours a day, scanning scientific papers for
errors, and click-click-click my mouse. I need to work on a creative
project, but I'm in a slump because I am so drained from work. I'm not
saying that I hate this job (yet), but I do believe that it's sucking
the creative juices out of me. I need a jumpstart. About the only thing
that keeps me going at work is putting on the headsets and listening to
This American Life. If
you happen to find some time in your day to listen to some great radio
journalism I suggest going into their "our favorites" archive and
listening to "Superpowers" and "Classifieds". I feel like I'm getting
smarter, but not having to work at it.
And if you your first reaction to that last sentence was, "What is she talking about? Loser..." I apologize.
My brain is velveeta on soggy stale chips.