
Feb 05, 2009 10:27

I'm well aware that it's February, but down here it's fifty degrees and I'm not cleaning my house, I'm cleaning my hard drive. I came across a lot of the stuff I would do while I was bored at my last job. It's a lot of stuff. I was bored a lot. O_o At any rate, the crap that caught my eye the most was that, apparently, the laptop at my little podium gave me access to Paint. Therefore, if you like, I'm putting these things on display under this wacky fake-cut for all to see so I can get them the hell off my computer. They're in no particular order, though you can tell that the dark depressing ones (as depressing as Paint can get, anyway) were toward the end of my career there. So to those of you knee-deep in snow: HAH! FEEL MY PAINT-Y WRATH, YOU LEGITIMATE COLD-WEATHER-HAV-ERS!

[ i want snow! ]

(It says "Greetings from Earth!")

I decided not to post every damn one of 'em, cause .bmp's are not small. So here's the link to my Photobucket. I think it's worth a look if you're bored. ::dismissive wave:: Well, they're your problem now. BWAHAHAAA! To the FatCave! VROOOOOOM

work, g33k!@l3rt, fail!

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