Dec 22, 2008 22:09
It has been an incredibly long day. Luckily I had Xmas rush jobs to finish at the frame shop including a bloody effing huge very large Chinese scroll frame job from start to finish, and a 100-year old needlepointed former footstool cover that needed to be finished (I'd done the blocking for it last Wednesday, but it wasn't dry enough on Thursday to be finished then). They were the kind of jobs that are just as occupying for my mind as my hands. That's a good thing. Today was Sean's birthday. Today my brother spent some 6 hours undergoing back surgery. I'd have gone mad without something to occupy my mind.
We didn't do the big movie and pizza night for Sean's birthday this year, although we did still have Pizzapapalis (not the seafood pizza, thanks) and, while we didn't have a Guernsey ice cream cake (which must feed about 30 people), I did pick up a bumpy cake and a pint of Guernsey Creme deNovi ice cream to go with it. I had a good cry and a good long cuddle with Mr. Man between dinner and dessert, and I know there's another good cry still waiting in the wings. I'm okay, though.
Will probably get around to posting about yesterday's family Xmas bash later. I got shinies. I was even surprised this year.