Okay. Here's what kept me busy all of yesterday afternoon. I know it doesn't look like it should have taken that long, but I've never done photo weaving before. The one that made it onto the card is the second attempt. The first attempt, woven of 1/2" strips didn't work well. There was too much detail in the photo. The time put into the weaving cut into spending too much time on other artistic touches. I like it, though. So did Paul.
There is a story behind the photo itself. We don't have a clue who that old couple is. It was taken on our anniversary trip to Niagara Falls. We were coming out of the butterfly conservatory. This little old couple were walking in front of us, arm in arm. Paul said to me, "that's us in another 30 years." You know I had to take their picture after that. I imagine they'd be very surprised to find out they ended up on a valentine.
Click on the pics to see larger.