I promised pictures at some point, so...

Jan 31, 2012 15:45

Pictures! These are only a couple of those that I took between Christmas and New Year, above is a view on the Maibara region, taken from the other side of Lake Biwa, the rest is from Nagoya, Ise and Kyoto.

This was taken on December 30th, no joke.

These always amost look too nice to eat. Marmalade hearts for god's sake!

I had no idea these exist IRL *.*

Shopping centre in Nagoya.

Nagoya Castle.

Kyoto. I like the wood construction. They use no glue or nails.


Osu-kannon temple in Nagoya. What I did in Nagoya was basically go there without any plan and then just look up location on my Lonely Planet Japan ebook. Yeah I don't plan trips anymore, I just flee.

It is so fucking cold. I stopped trusting AniWeather a long time ago, which tells me it is 7 degrees outside, I'd lower that by four, but I know that technically it isn't very cold in Kansai because unlike basically any other area, we don't get snow. We had one day of it, one. Yet, because Kyoto is on a very flat patch of land surrounded by a ring of mountains, it feels actually just as cold as in areas where it does snow, and I know what I am talking about since it snowed in Nagoya and yet it was no colder than here.
What makes it worse is the fact that we basically don't have heating in our rooms.
There is an air conditioner above the single-glazed balcony door, and... yeah. I think you can guess what happens.
Now everyone else just started heating like crazy, but the money I can spend on bills is severely limited, so I basically sit up in bed all day with the laptop, counting down the days until spring.

Other than that I feel severely useless recently. I have nightmares about ending up on the dole after graduation, really bad ones. Out of panic I have kick-started by Japanese studying, thinking that not even my Japanese is good enough to be used for earning a living at this point, but I am basically paralysed.

I am looking at the internet and what is happeneing with ACTA and whatnot and all I wanna do is heave a big sigh. It's all a big crazy, isn't it. I feel like soon no one will know anymore what to do and say on the net.

I really miss my XBox.

I am already going to Tokyo next Sunday! Boy, when did that happen. Again I have nothing organised. It's even strange to go this far (7 hrs by bus)after having been here all this time.

picspam, rl: overall, rl: travel

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