
Nov 28, 2011 21:56

Ages ago, in attempt to drag monstakarotte even deeper into Avengers fandom with me, thinking that hey, I got her to watch Thor, I told her i would make her an awesome Steve/Tony reclist, she would fall in love with the pairing, and that would be that ( Read more... )

rl: uni, fics: recs, mine is an angry face

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monstakarotte November 29 2011, 15:27:02 UTC
Girl, you're awesome!

I would love to start right away, but I have a Japanese exam tomorrow and I didn't really start to study for it so far ok, that's just so typical for me, isn't it?

I hope I won't be completely lost without knowing Captain America yet, since the DVD will only be out on th 19th here~

Thor/Loki? rly? I was never a friend of incestuous ships (that's why I'm also a bit lost in my Supernatural fandom~ le sigh)

uh, group work sucks, especially because I hate to rely on others on school stuff, it's just horrible -.-


honeyswallow December 1 2011, 15:01:01 UTC
How did it go? :D
Well you can get... Captain America... you know... *clears throat*

Really, Thor and Loki. Firstly, I think I have read far "worse" things, and the fact that the people in those were not brothers will not have helped that. That was about the only thing left untouched, let me tell you.
Supernatural is mostly Dean/Castiel now though, isn't it? The incest was more prominent at the beginning I think.
Plus with all other pairings, it is always about what people put in other people's heads. Seriously, don't get me going, I could write an entire presentation about this, and while I don't deny that it might just be me that is screwed up(I mean, my first LJ fandom was an incest one XD;;;), it is definitely not an unpopular ship.

Hey, each their own. I mean, I am blind to het pairings in anything that is not Doctor Who or Once Upon a Time, so...


monstakarotte December 13 2011, 15:02:56 UTC
sorry for the laaaaaate reply - the test was good actually (teamwork FTW! XP)

I didn't really have time to get through your list yet, but since I have holidays starting this friday and on monday is the DVD release here, I think I will have something nice for christmas XDD

even if I see and approve of het pariings, I just don't wanna read them usually...


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