I am really sleepy right now... x_x I got up really early this morning to get to the Imperial Palace, which had its last open day today, but of course Jennifer was late again so we didn't get there until 11 when we wanted to be there by 10.
I am gonna write more about that visit in the year abroad blog, I think.
This weekend, just like any other weekend over here, the weather is bad. The rain makes it really humid, and I feel for the kids outside that train with their sports clubs for several hours.
In regard to myself however, I would love not to live right next to both the high school sports ground and the university one, since what they are doing always always always involves a lot of really loud rhythmic screaming, and I can't seem to tune it out yet.
Like any other visitor to Japan who is here not only on an academic, but also on a fangirly mission, I go to Book Off. I have a terrible weakness for photobooks, and that love is gonna do me in at some point when I have to start thinking about sending all that crap back home, but for now this is what I have bought since last month:
I think the 'SMAP no Shingo' one has to be the most fascinating because it was 105yen, is massive and apparently Shingo translated his diary entries into English himself, whereas Korean translations by Tsuyoshi are also provided ^_^. We will never know how long that took him, but the English in this book is nearly flawless, which makes me think his spoken English must be much worse than his written English, or I have underestimated him all along.
It is an amazing insight into his life and views of 2004/05. the only thing that makes me sad are the pages where he mentions how much he dislikes Goro. It's hurtful to say that kind of thing in a book everyone can read!
TV-wise, I still have a lot to catch up with, mainly H50 and New Girl, but I am up to date with Downton Abbey and House.
Oh House <3. As much as I agree with every person who said this show sould end after S8, apart from the short break I took from the series after S3, I have always loved it and I could even miss it. The ratings have really dropped, though.
Click to view
Regarding Downton Abbey I do feel there is something like too much drama, and it does have its artificially created lenghts, so I think that overall there is actually less plot than S1, and I don't like it as mucha s the first season, either.
I am loving Misfits and I should definitely make more time for Merlin, D:
Movie-wise, there is of course not a lot happening right now... I will definitely force someone to watch MI4 with me, and Toma as Hikaru Genji is a really really big deal over here right now, I can safely say I can completely ignore Tintin without regrets though (really wanted it to be live-action!)
I will take a nap now and hope my make-up survives it as I am going for dinner in town later with two friends... the vain person has spoken.