Internet etiquette 101

Jul 07, 2011 14:55

I'm sorry if I'm annoying anyone with this, but after I was mad yesterday and still kind of am, I really need to ask you guys what your idea of concrit entails, because the longer I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that it is actually utter crap given a name just so that others can spew their opinion everywhere whilst calling themselves helpful.

The thing is hey, I understand what it means. You read something and you think if the author had just done that then it could be great. We've all had that feeling before.
But just because I think the world could have been a less freaky place if Stephenie Meyer just dug herself a hole and stayed there, it wouldn't come to me in a hundred years to go ahead and tell her that.
For one because my opinion, based on logic as it might sometimes be, does not rule divine and I can appreciate other people's fun in that, and also even if I made a lot of money judging other people's writing, food or fashion sense that would put me in no position to let anyone know what I am thinking COMPLETELY UNASKED.

I mean, no one approaches people on the street going "oh, this shirt would look much better on you if it was green" because however valid that claim might be, THE FUCK?

So seriously, unless you are someone whose opinion I value, ie friends and family, why should I listen? And why am I still mad? :/

mine is an angry face, you tell me 'bout it

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