Busy not being a busybody.

Jun 24, 2011 00:17

Hello! People of the internet!

I am officially too busy for the internet. I don't know, with swiftly having taken over a good 70% of the housework again plus studying and gaming, time to dig out the laptop and actually find a free outlet (the battery lasts me 1 1/2 hrs with wi-fi, which is a joke)is sparse.
I still hope all of you are well. Tell me how you've been?
I really need to get my applications done, too -.-
And finish the music mix I'm making for penmi's birthday.

Anyway, royalexperience has asked me to give her some X-Men: First Class fic recs, a task which I am only too happy to oblige.
I haven't read that many fics yet (see why below) so I'll give it a shot and say this list will probably be expanded over time.

Because of the nature of this fandom right now, I daresay 95% of recs will be based on the kink meme.

Waiting Games

Shaw captures and uses Charles to lure Erik to him. At first, he makes Erik watch helplessly as he sexually abuses/tortures Charles. But it doesn't take long before Erik is pushed to the limit when he hears Charles broadcasting his pain.

Waiting Games was the first fic I read on the meme, mainly because I tend to skip PWP and go for the plotty bits straight away, and in all its clicheés, it was really good.

Never too late to be who you might have been WIP

Set between the first and second X-Men movies. Something happens, and for whatever reason Erik and Charles become young again, looking just like they did in First Class. They also only remember everything that happened up to the age they are, so they don't know that they are now enemies.

My current favourite. Nothing happens much, per se, but Charles is so eloquently portrayed it's just charming to read.

Madness and Method WIP

During the filming of X-Men: First Class, Erik and Charles somehow start bleeding over into an unsuspecting Michael and James. Like, literally bleeding over. Their memories, their personalities, their emotions, their growing love for each other. And also their powers.

This fic is so well-written and so unexpectedly exciting I can't even.

The Stranger at Xenophanes Hall WIP, AU

Charles Xavier's sister/ward, Raven, is way past the suitable marrying age. Her independence and progressive ideals are massive turn offs for the gentlemen of the ton. Her only prospects are fortune hunters. Charles decides to invite unmarried, age-appropriate gentlemen to their country home for, let's say, fox hunting. He's hoping that one of these gentlemen is the right one for Raven.

Erik Lensherr is one of these gentlemen, and he would be perfect, if only he wasn't a fortune hunter as well. He's titled, but penniless. Charles does his best to keep him away from Raven, but in doing so, he finds that while Erik isn't perfect for Raven, he's actually perfect for Charles.

Me and regency AUs, you guys. We are like this. YOU KNOW? Like THIS.

Til Death WIP, AU

Arranged marriage AU


For the Cause WIP

Where Charles joins the dark side against his will

Whereas the execution is slightly weak, I was just fascinated with the whole idea of him giving in.


Emma knows Erik has a thing for Charles. She can't read Charles but she saw how much Charles cares for Erik.

After th falling out and when Emma notices Erik is pining (she's an intuitive woman, helmet or no), she sends Charles a message -- "Fix him. We can't take over the world if he's so lovesick."

Then she gets Azazel to teleport Erik and Charles to an island so they can make up and make out.

By all accounts this fic should have been silly as fuck. IMAGINE MY SURPRISE WHEN IT WAS NOTHING BUT SUPER SWEET INSTEAD.

Our hearts won't rust

Charles meets Erik during a summer abroad when he is 17.

The writing is heartbreaking, end of.

A thousand pages WIP, AU


Because I have probably watched Notting Hill or You've got mail many more times than is healthy.

Our house, in the middle of our street WIP, AU

An alternate universe (they're all not mutants, just human) where Charles is a social worker who fosters troubled kids, and one day he meets Erik, an ex-druggie/ex-convict (or whatever else, I leave it to anon to figure out which demons are chasing him) who reluctantly agrees to stay for only a while, but ends up staying for good and helping Charles to raise the kids.

I have no reason. Don't ask me why I even started reading this.

Going Forward

Erik visits Charles several months after that fateful day on the beach.

More of that bittersweet stuff! I think this fic needs more readers.

Long Way Down

An extension of the scene where Erik rescuses Charles on the plane.

I don't even know how this could have been made into something actually sweet. It had me make actual squeeing sounds.

All the fears you left behind

Erik tries to get Charles to shoot him point-blank yet again.

Is is not... romantic, I wouldn't call it that. But it's very in-character, especially Erik, and there is a bit of sex, so all is well.

The reason that I do not fall

Erik listens to Charles fall apart until he hears something that makes him take action to save him.

It very nearly amde me cry, that thing. It might be a bit too sappy, but who said I wasn't. Broken Charles does not happen often enough. That sounds wrong.

So why has The Honeyswallow, self-declared online reader par excellence, stopped reading online?

My answer is The Hunger Games.
In the general hooplah around X-Men and Jennifer Lawrence, who doesn't do much for me and probably never will, I read she would be appearing in Hunger Games, a film based on a book trilogy I had never heard of.

It is relatively new in Germany and in general (published 2008), but I didn't like the prospect of watching a film baed on a novel I'd never read, and the story did sound good.
I ordered the book a week ago, started yesterday and am MORE THAN HALFWAY THROUGH.

I haven't read a book this fast since The Golden Compass.

I am so in love with it I immediately ordered the rest and feel already enabled to serenade and bitch about the the casting choices revealed by Entertainment Weekly.

So... has anyone here read it?

fics: recs, books, it's a geek thing

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