and BOOM.

Apr 28, 2011 21:46

... A MEME!
The fanfic WIP-meme has been going round again, and since I am the queen of all WIPs I thought I'd have a go again.

The WIP meme: post a single sentences from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.

...which doesn't mean they don't have the same chance to be finished as all the other ones. Er. XD

Tsuyoshi loves Daisuke. He is trying to help wherever possible, is playful and charming, and he, unlike Aki, has a huge crush on Tsuyoshi he isn't shy to admit.
Apart from how fucked up their whole situation is, there is only one problem - Daisuke is 16.

from the multiple personality!verse

"Hey." Koichi would recognise the voice anywhere. He has spent the last fifteen years listening to it. "You are the person who always sends the waiter over with a coffee for me, right?"
Koichi keeps his face neutral, despite of how overwhelmed he feels. This is the first time Tsuyoshi has spoken to him, after over a decade they have spent in each other's presence without Tsuyoshi even knowing.
He should not have done this. He has broken all the rules, and looking at Tsuyoshi's face, he knows he's gonna break some more.

from the fic I am writing for the earthquake fundraiser

"You can't leave." Koichi-sama leans against the door as if ready to fight Tsuyoshi should he try to push past him. "Because without me you will die?" Tsuyoshi spits, all acid and bitter disappointment.
"Yes," is the reply, and Tsuyoshi suddenly sees the real meaning behind it, "Because without you I shall not live a day longer."

Healer! Tsuyoshi and King!Koichi

Arthur is an immigrant. He doesn't like the fact that the word still applies to him after all the time he had already spent living in London, but he hasn't bothered to apply for a passport either, as he had never planned on staying for as long as, but somehow a steady job changed all that.

A steady job and his inexplicable, undying love for this choir.

Inception choir (!) AU

"Sherlock, there will be a kid. How can I know that putting you in a room with a six year-old won't be something I'll regret?"

The one where John takes Sherlock home with him

He remembers the day Eduardo's daemon Andara settled roughly a year ago, how Mark heard him take two steps at once only to hesitate once he had reached the door. Mark wanted to tell him then, how it was okay, really, how all that happened was just fine with him. People evolved.

Oh I'm sure you know by now.

You know what makes people run amok? Things like the royal wedding do.
I know people might disagree with me because yay bank holiday and all, but seriously.
I, as a constant grumpy outsider, am boycotting this event. Grumph!
I have waited with my return to the UK for as long as I possibly could have, but tomorrow I have to go back, and even though I was out of the country I have been tormenented with William and Kate TV specials and newspaper articles and fuck, I can't wait for it to be over.
Exam month will be begin, I have a month's worth of work still to catch up with, but I want to do well since a lot of you have encouraged me and the prospect of making it to Japan and seeing you there shall give me strength, even though I am trying hard not to panic right now.

Today I have discovered a sure fire sign for me having been depressed - I have placed 7(!) amazon orders between my birthday and now. Don't get me wrong, for mos people that doesn't mean anything, but I always buy stuff when I am extremely unhappy. It's not a disorder in my eyes, as these things tend to make me happy, but we all know about things of lasting value and whatnot, don't we.
So it's probably not a big surprise that today, scared as fuck of going back as I am, I have placed an order, but, and I am seriously asking you to remind me of this should you hear from me indicating otherwise, this is going to be my last one this year.
This last order by the way was to buy as many things possible from amazon UK until I am cut off of it till 2013 - you wouldn't believe how much cheaper the stuff is there compared to over here.
That's why I may or may not have ordered my xbox controller charger, AC: Brotherhood, Mass Effect 2, Fable 2, Splinter Cell Conviction and Batman Arkham Asylum.

... If I want to look at anyone sternly, it would probably be moonfoot_gamgee XD Listen to flailing about game - play demo - spend money.
Demos are the devil's advocates.
Nooo, honestly I am far too easy to enable. I remember anyone's flailing from months back. Have you seen totallybalanced's Assassin's Creed casting spam?
I love it when she does that.

Now I've got more games than I'll need for the next seven years or so, considering I have played a grande total of ten minutes of FFXIII and spent hours on Assassin's Creed without ever getting tired of it. I am starting to feel a slight deja-vu with Final Fantasy XII as I either get hooked right away or... not at all -.-

I will however, NEVER EVER PLAY AMNESIA. Holy shit. /random but true

Btw, is anyone still regularly reading Inception fic? I need a recent rec.

Last but not least, akskshdsgdhdjl HOW GREAT WAS DOCTOR WHO?
I don't know if it was actually great or if I am just so happy because I watched it with royalexperience. The cinematography was so pretty! But after them going to America, I ache for Doctor Who in other countries again.
She is the best person to watch Doctor Who with, trufax, or in fact any film, and I am going to miss her dearly and hate the day she decides such trivial things don't fit into her busy life anymore.

Love you and speak to you later~

tv: doctor who, panic! whoooooh!, tv: british, games, whoops now i tagged it, fics: snippets, do i need to count my tags now?

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