(no subject)

May 26, 2009 18:48

Pauline is so god damn effing annoying. Fucking whore thinks she's entitled to whatever the hell she wants, whenever. I was gone for less than ten minutes to pick Dan up. I came back, and there was a car in MY parking spot. I reported it to the leasing office because WTF, not cool. After FINALLY finding a free parking spot, I came back home.... to have Pauline tell me she took the spot because I was gone. I calmly notified her that she might want to move it because it was about to be towed. She flipped out, and I explained what happend. Her reaction? "What the fuck, you could have CHECKED?" I WAS STUCK IN MY CAR AND COULDN'T TELL THAT ANYONE WAS HOME. I thought it was some random ass car. I had no idea it was "hers" (when did she get a new car, anyway?). She went on to tell my that it's not MY spot, since I'm not paying more for it. I told her fine, stop using ALL of my stuff RIGHT NOW. All the pots, pans, chairs, cooking and eating utensils, the TV, TiVo, everything. If I catch her using any of my crap, I swear to god I'll have her fucking car towed every time I see it. I cannot WAIT to get out of here.

Edit: Right after all of this went down, Xiomara called a meeting. She's decided that she shouldn't have to pay the cable bill since she doesn't use it. I pointed out that I use barely any electricity unless it's really dark, and asked if I no longer had to pay the electricity bill. My point was, it would just be more complicated than it's worth. She complained that I've kicked her off the TV because my shows were recording (my old school TiVo only allows one show on at a time, can't watch and record something else). I'd given her the option of cancelling the recording, or allowing it to continue and watch her show on my personal TV in the bedroom. She also complained about all the baths I take. Last week, I took a shower/bath with Dan because the roommates weren't home and I never get to. Xiomara came home in the middle of it and basically made us get out so she could shower, too. Yesterday, I took a long soak because I'd gotten my period and was cramping. Again, no one was home when I started. Xiomara came home at some point during, and essentially demanded that I get out because she had to pee. I told her I was bathing and that there was a restroom by the pool if she really couldn't wait. So, I've had two baths in the nine weeks she's been living here, and apparently that's a problem.

I left after all this went down because I'd told Dan I would take him to Costco. When I got home, Pauline and Xiomara were gone (thank god), but guess what? That chair that she moved away from her desk is back. She used my stuff while I was gone after I'd told her not to if she wanted the spot. So, spot's mine, end of discussion.

Edit the second: She just got back, and guess what? She's using the chair. Again. After saying she wouldn't use any of my stuff ever again. She's so stupid.

fuck this shit, roommates

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