Title: The Boy Is Mine
Characters: Ishihara Satomi/Nishikido Ryo/Sawajiri Erika
Genre: bitchfic?
Rating: PG for language
Summary: Erika doesn't like sharing.
Disclaimer: Owned by Johnny's and Stardust promotion. Just messing with.
The Boy Is Mine
Ishihara Satomi/Nishikido Ryo/Sawajiri Erika
Sawajiri Erika marched into the hotel without a single backward glance, the wind at her back, eyes hidden behind huge aviator glasses. Bad news didn't take to her as much as the feeling of being home did-- the first thing Suzuki Emi told her after greetings were dispensed with was that Ishihara Satomi, of the Nagasawa-kai, had been seen around town with Nishikido Ryo.
It was a matter of honor that had her using the company car to go to the posh hotel in Minami, where Kitagawa Keiko swore to her that they were having coffee in the lobby lounge.
The glass doors swung open, and her heels clicked on the shiny marble as she walked. People turned their heads to watch her glide past them, but stayed carefully out of her way.
Nishikido and Ishihara sat at a couple of plush seats by the window, laughing together at a shared joke. The carpet muffled her further steps closer, until she closed a delicately manicured hand around the back of his chair and took off her glasses with a hair toss.
Ishihara had seen her first, and had abruptly stopped laughing to stare.
"What, no 'okaerinasai, Sawajiri chan'?" Erika asked quietly, folding the glasses and smirking. "Fancy seeing the two of you here."
A pause for silence as her non-boyfriend gaped at her from head to toe, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "Sawajiri," he finally managed after a while. He stood up like a shot. "We were just leaving."
"Getting caught with another girl in a hotel," Erika said to him neutrally. "That could be misconstrued."
Ishihara stepped forward, in a burst of self-confidence or sheer stupidity, Erika didn't know. She took hold of Nishikido's arm and demanded, "You brought me here, Nishikido kun. You have to take me home. And you..." she continued, turning to Erika. "You stay out of it."
Erika raised a delicate eyebrow. "No, you stay out of it," she muttered. "Nishikido, are you coming with me or not?"
Ryo blinked and was by her side in a second. Erika turned, ready to leave, but Ishihara apparently hadn't had enough.
"Nishikido kun, I'll call you later," she chirped. "We'll talk."
With that Erika paused in her tracks and whirled around. "Nishikido, give me your phone," she muttered dangerously, hand out.
Ryo blinked once, again, but the steel under her velvet tone had him reaching into his pocket and handing his cellular out to her.
Erika throws the phone on the ground and steps on it, crushing it under the heel of one expensive boot, before turning back to Ishihara. "There. You see that, Ishihara? Don't call him. He won't answer."
And because that wasn't enough, she stepped back to the other girl and slapped her clear across the face. "You know better than to mess with me. Let's go, Nishikido." Erika flounced out of the hotel, unmindful of the stares following her out by those who'd witnessed the scene. Another for the pages of the tabloids, another for the night talk shows.
She was seriously past caring.
Ryo was grinning when he opened the door for her. Erika scowled, putting her glasses back on. "The hell are you grinning about, moron," she muttered.
His grin widened. "I didn't know you liked me so much, Sawajiri."
She scoffed. "Shut up. I hate that bitch, she goes around with Nagasawa spreading rumors about me. You," she paused, sizing him up. "You've seriously downgraded if you went from me to her."
"Just admit that you like me," he crows, and Erika stops abruptly in her tracks to deliver one sharp elbow to his abdomen.
"Bastard," she murmurs coolly, staring down at him. "Go get your phone from in there."
Ryo, having doubled over, looked up at her, wincing from the pain. "N-NANYARO? Why should I? You destroyed it already!"
"Fucking thing has a warranty!" she yelled, feigning a punch at him, which he cowers from. "We can take it back. Go get it, now!"
He stood up and ran back into the hotel. Erika raised a hand and inspected the nails to see if she'd broke any. They didn't call her "Queen Erika" for nothing, that was for sure.
O! MA! KE! NI! WA!
Wanna see what that slap was like?
That's Sawajiri Erika and Ishihara Satomi on their drama SP, Cheer Heaven. XD