Title: London
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Sawajiri Erika
Genre: save room for a moment to be with me
Rating: PG for language
Summary: Erika hasn't seen the sun in a long time. A very long time.
Disclaimer: Owned by Johnny's and Stardust promotion. Just messing with.
It's the insistent ringing of a doorbell that wakes Erika up at... fucking four in the morning, what the hell. She grabs a robe, puts it on, and trudges to the door, running a hand through her hair and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Good morning, Sawajiri," says the person on the other side when the door finally opens. Erika squints, scowling-- there was an unmistakable arrogance in that tone of voice, and she isn't quite inclined to trust her eyes just yet--
Nishikido Ryo swaggers into her house like he owns the place, leaving her blinking and bewildered as she closes the door. "You never were a morning person," he continues, smirking at her as he shoves a bouquet of worn gardenias in her hands. Erika blinks again. Surely she was dreaming?
She lifts her eyes and finds him looking her over from head to toe, and back again, grinning. Suddenly she feels very, very underdressed. Erika grabs the edges of her robe and pulls it closed around herself-- he smirks at her before casting a bored glance around the place.
"So this is where you live now?" Ryo asks, taking a step forward into her living room as she struggles valiantly to get her brain up to speed. "Much larger than your old place, I have to say."
"People like space, here," she murmured before she could stop herself. Pathetic! she screamed inwardly. Her first words to Nishikido should have been, "what are you doing here, you bloody fucker, waking me up at the crack of dawn?!", but she couldn't seem to find the rage to, well, rage at him.
He turns to look back at her, she blinks up at him. "What," he begins, "no sharp-edged retort? Not even a 'what the hell are you doing here?'? You've lost your touch, Sawajiri."
"Shut up," she tells him mildly, moving past him for the kitchen. "I need coffee."
She puts some water on to boil and rummages in her cupboard for some food, coming up with an open box of cornflakes; the fridge gives her some strawberries and milk. Erika turns back to the small kitchenette and kicks the door shut, only to find Ryo seated on her breakfast table, chin in his hands, regarding her thoughtfully.
Erika sets the items down in front of him carefully, studiously looking down on the teak of her table. She lifts her eyes and his are still on her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks softly.
His hand closes around hers on the milk carton. "You look so beautiful."
She blinks, utterly astonished. "Oh. I..."
The kettle starts to whistle, a high-pitched, insistent sound. "Oh." That is all she tells him before she moves away, snatching her hand out from his grip.
A cup of coffee doesn't seem to quite do it, so she pours herself another while he helps himself to her cornflakes. Outside, the sun begins to rise, light pouring in from the window.
Erika blinks as the light grows steadily brighter, until she's squinting in the sunshine.
Ryo follows her gaze and comments offhandedly, "Thought you said you rarely ever saw the sun out here?"
The television is turned on to the morning news on BBC. She listens absently to the weatherman's report, the times of sunrise and expected sunset. She remembers all those days waking up to a still-gray sky, the mails she sent off to friends back in Tokyo when she felt lonely and cold.
"I did," she replies quietly, looking up at Ryo. He gives her a puzzled look; she offers him a smile. "What are you doing here, stupid?"
And so another day begins in London town.