I have a pumpkin named Pishpot.

Oct 12, 2006 16:39

Came back from my three hour class last night, and there was a pumpkin on my bed! Estefani had gone to the pumpkin patch earlier that day and bought me a mini pumpkin! So now we have two mini pumpkins sitting on top of our TV. Pishpot and Wally are very content and make the room feel autumn-y!

Earlier this week, I was freaking out about all the crap that I have to do, so much that my whole body was aching. I don't know why I ever stressed in high school about the workload - college kicks high schools ass when it comes to academics! But I sat down and mapped out when I would do all the things I need to do. And then I just thought about how my stressing was making it a lot worse. I know that I spend waaay too much time worrying about how I will do in all my classes, I think its good because I've never been so modivated to do well. But it's not good when it affects my body and sleep...I need to find a happy medium. I know it will come eventually. But I'm really eager for this semester to be done with because I've learned my mistakes, for instance - no 8 AM classes and no 3 hour classes! I think the extra sleep time will have a HUGE affect on my college experience on the whole even though I'm pretty happy with the situation as of now.

Kristie's letter came in the mail yesterday, and i loved it very much so! :)


20 days: Halloween (what is everyone dressing up as??)
45 days: Thanksgiving Break (foooood and a lot of duckling fam and family time!)
60 days: My birthday (19 - wooot.)
70 days: Winter Break (mine that is...)

And Stanford - this weekend!!!
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