21st century girl

Feb 20, 2012 13:08

When I was doing my undergrad, the FAFSA had to be completed by hand, on paper. (Shut up, it was a long time ago.) It had to be mailed in, and every year WITHOUT FAIL I would get something back 4 weeks later claiming I'd failed to fill out some goddamn portion of the forms, even though I always, always always filled it out in its entirety. This made the entire FAFSA filing process last about two months. It was so maddening that when I graduated my first thought was 'Hahahahaaaa I'll never have to fill out another FAFSA form as long as I live!!!!!11"

So then I went back to school, but that's another story. The story of today is this:

I just now did my taxes and filed my FAFSA.

It took about half an hour to do both.

Oh god how I love the information age.

glee, rl, blather

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