La la la
In brief: I'm happy Castiel was redeemed. It's too bad he's 'dead', but in SPN it's hard to know how seriously to take a pronouncement like that. So I'll withhold judgement until the last episode.
Crazy leviathans are win! I'm looking forward to them busting up the place.
I saw some complaints about Dean's apparent callousness toward Cas through this episode, but I think it was pretty clear where that attitude was coming from, and that the emotional impetus for his response was made fairly obvious. And they kinda made up at the end, sorta, and that makes me happy. Good enough! Dean cares, Castiel going nuclear depresses him, they're both still assholes to each other, but trying their best anyway. ♥!
Sam being totally mentally screwed up, yes please!
All in all, a better season opener than 6.1. Strongly plotted, good characterization, lotsa stuff going on. Death being effortlessly badass. Sam subtly chiding Dean for his drinking. Dean being nihilistic (as is his wont). Maybe coulda used more smartass Bobby. Sorry, but I like the character.
Also, did Padalecki lose some weight/muscle mass? He seemed skinnier, especially around the neck area. I like it. It looks better and more consistent with the character, in terms of the stress and not eating for x number of days while being unconscious, etc. Plus it helps to differentiate original!Sam from soulless!Sam. He should keep the weight/extra mass off. Makes him look younger.
I want this season to go out with a bang, and there's a lot of good material that would make for a very strong 22 episodes. So I hope they manage to pull it off and don't go meandering around all over the place like last season. Here's hoping! *crosses fingers*