7x23 thoughts in no real order:
-I like the idea of Sam being on his own. REALLY on his own, and really fully intact and himself. I want to see this explored, see him dealing with stuff, see him being CAPABLE and AWESOME, like I know he can be. Because that's the aspect of the character I like best. Plus, it'll be interesting to see him generate his own forward motion, and have his own agency in a way that has nothing to do with other characters. For the first time pretty much ever.
-Dean and Cas in Purgatory sound awesome and it better not be a cheap-ass copout like the whole broken leg thing. So much love for this.
-Monsters. *Real* monsters that are scary.
-The show having an actual horror element again=YAY. Purgatory? That looks like horror to me. :DDDDD
-Sam's going to need someong to interact with while he tromps across the country killing levis. Kevin? Meg? Kevin and Meg? Either would be cool, or someone else as well.
-What the hell is Dean supposed to eat in Purgatory? Does he need to eat? Is he technically dead the way Sam was technically dead when he fell into Hell, body and all?
-I freaked out during the Starry Night scene. I actually really like that song, since I was a kid, but I'm preeeeeettty sure it was meant to be funny/awkward here--which I have no problem with--and the excess emo made me go blarglarglarglauuuughhhghgaghaghghahgagh etc. (And people are posting about it seriously which is INFINITELY MORE EXCRUTICATING (to me). Oh my gawd.) Plus I'm sorry, Cas, you're a dear and I love you, but you're not Vincent van Gogh. Because, y'know, you don't exist. So no. Sorry.
(Weirdly, my brain seemed to think it was a different song being played when I actually watched that scene, but I was watching it with my hands over my ears, so I can't be blamed for that.)
-I like that Cas was at his most lucid when he felt forgiveness from Dean.
-Unlike everyone else, I didn't think Dean was wrong when he yelled at Cas. Because it was Cas' mess, and he had a responsibility to try to fix it. Going insane was an interesting attempt to avoid that, and I'm glad that the show addressed the whole relationship between his guilt and his 'episodes,' or whatever you want to call it. He was definitely more apparently out of it when he felt pressured and more lucid or whatever when he felt he had an anchor--Dean. There's nothing wrong with that characterization, I think. It still kind of puts him in the grey area in terms of 'right' and 'wrong' and responsibility/avoidance, but that's at least a believable characterization. Way the hell better than the divine fool/sudden!Zen!master crap a lot of people were trying to pass it off as when it first appeared.
-I like Cas' interest in insects and the world as a whole. That to my mind puts him head and shoulders above the other angels and a lot of other characters in the show, in terms of the fact that he's developing an interest in a larger reality far beyond what he was originally designed to have. This is fascinating and subtle.
-I really hope the whole point of killing Bobby twice was to get him into Purgatory so he could help Dean. *crosses fingers* I care about Boby-haters NOT AT ALL.
-I once heard from someone that Born to be Wild is about the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm sad that I can't remember which one it was, and it might not even be true, but it puts that whole scene into a different light.
-It was pointed out elsewhere that yes, meg was directly responsible for Jo and Ellen dying horrible, horrible deaths. So although I wouldn't mind if she was still around, I don't want to start thinking of her as a 'good guy.' Sometimes that moral grey area (and in her case it's a pretty dark grey) is nice to have.