In brief

Apr 28, 2012 08:29

spn, ep

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quickreaver April 28 2012, 16:02:54 UTC
That first sentence is sadly true, good call. And I place the responsibility/blame solidly in the writers' laps. Edlund (sometimes Gamble) might be the only one(s), lately, who can pull off Being Winchester, sans cohorts.

I forgot to go back and look at Charlie's cubicle walls...will do that this afternoon!


honeylocusttree April 28 2012, 19:58:47 UTC
Aww, I didn't mean that I think it's a bad thing--I love character evolution. People get upset when change happens, for some reason, but I enjoy the ways that the characters and relationships have evolved. I just think that by trying to get things back to whatever they were like in the first couple seasons has really highlighted how the evolution has occurred and how enmeshed the Winchester identities and personalities are with these other characters. Which is fantastic, imho.

Who would win in a fight, Charlie or Becky?


quickreaver April 28 2012, 20:06:51 UTC
I DO like character evolution; maybe I misunderstood your comment? I think, perhaps, it's poor writing that when it's just Sam and Dean alone, they aren't as much 'themselves' as when they're playing off another character. If that makes sense...

Who would win in a fight, Charlie or Becky? Eesh, good question, bacause Becky's got the crazy on her side. Of course I'd be rooting for Charlie,, I dunno...!


honeylocusttree April 29 2012, 13:25:54 UTC
Me either! First I thought Charlie, but I'm seriously leaning towards Becky, just for the crazy. OTOH, there's a good chance Charlie has some actual martial arts training...she just seems like she might take the time for something like that.

Or maybe not.

I agree about the poor writing, which of course ebbs and flows depending on whose name is on the script. Thankfully the actors themselves seem to always know what they're doing, and that tends to save the situation.


quickreaver April 29 2012, 16:10:04 UTC
...Or maybe not.

I didn't see a katana in her cubicle... *sneaky eyes*

Speaking of saving situations, I read a relatively recent interview with JAckles that admitted there was a scene he and JarPad rewrote themselves because the dialogue was waaaaaay too emo/chickflicky for Team Winchester. I can't remember which ep it was, but I think it was right around the kitsune one, or thereabouts. Anywho, yeah, you speak the truth. It's proven.


honeylocusttree April 29 2012, 20:24:20 UTC
I really wanna know what scene that was. I'd like to think the original had lots of tearful embracing and the rewrite was them smacking each other upside the head.

It'd be *fantastic* if it was the one where Dean tells Sam off for being a little bitch. Squee!


quickreaver April 29 2012, 21:52:11 UTC
Nah, it was the tail end of 'Slash Fiction.'

From this article:

"Jensen: Anyway, we have outside writers and then they’ll take the script and make it Supernatural, but at times I’ve doctored it to make it more Dean. In the scene where Sam finds out that Dean killed Amy Pond, it was straight out of a rom com, like ‘I need space’, so when Jared and I were in the make up trailer that morning to run our lines, I was like ‘so Jared, rewrite this scene, right?’ and Jared was like ‘yup, let’s do it.’ So they sounded like two guys arguing. And we called Sera (Gamble) after and said we changed this, and she was like, ‘okay’. I’m protective of the character and the show."


honeylocusttree April 29 2012, 21:53:34 UTC
Well thank god for that.

"I need space." Snrk snrk snrk.

I have to go rewatch that scene now. 'Scuse me.


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