This thing

Apr 11, 2012 17:32

I stole this SPN meme...from de-nugis
Also according to Wikipedia the episode titled "Scarecrow" on my DVD is actually known as "The Straw Man of Collectivism." Go fig.

1. Deangirl or Samgirl?

Dean. Not intentionally--I went into the series fully expecting to fawn all over Sam, and then it just...didn't happen. Or rather, I got co-opted. I blame the fact that I identify with Dean way, way too much.

2. Casgirl, yes or no?

Indeed! I'm fascinated by the character in his own right--all the things you can potentially do with a nonhuman entity character changing the essence of its being due to experiences and internal motivation. And of course he tends toward the badass end of the spectrum, which is always a plus in my book.

3. Favorite season?

Um...I like them all? More or less? Each one has a balance of good and crappy eps, so if it's just a matter of picking them by, I still don't know. I like most of the same individual eps everyone else does--the one in the bank, Faith, etc. But they're spread out so it's tough to pick. Maybe s4 just for its incredible grimness, but that's probably the one I re-watch the least, in order not to have to battle my urges to reach through the screen and bitch-slap Sam.

4. Favorite episode(s) from your favorite season?

Nothing earth-shattering. Nightshifter, Jus in Belo. OTHOAP. I could go on, but that would be pedantic. Trust me, nothing original here.

5. Season you're most likely to re-watch?

At this point, 7, because I've only seen it (mostly) once.

6. Season you hate the most?

Eh, I can really only rewatch half of 6, though there are a few robo!Sam eps I enjoy. But half a season without the SamnDean dynamic strikes me as kind of a waste.

7. Favorite episode of the current season?

I think it's a toss-up between the one with the clowns and Slash Fiction, because evil!SamnDean. And clowns. And they're both really solid, tightly written eps and I would totally rewatch either in a heartbeat and I think I may already have.

8. Least favorite episode from the current season?

I hear that wedding one is pretty terrible, though I haven't seen it. And despite some interesting insights from folks much smarter than I regarding Party On, Garth, I have to say it didn't do anything for me. I didn't hate it, I didn't like it...I had no feelings whatsoever about it. Except about the katana. Fucking katanas in fucking everything. Gah.

9. Favorite angel (besides Cas)?

Hmm. I like Uriel, he is a bastard. I find Anna interesting, though I'm not a huge fan, mostly due to the fact that she's an equal to the other, male angels, which is a nice quality especially in a male-dominated show like SPN.

10. Least favorite angel?

I guess Rachel, the snippy one. Who showed up to be snippy and then die.

11. Favorite demon?

Alastair. Not least because he raised the idea that a human soul can become sufficiently powerful to defeat an angel. Whew.
Also I like Meg, in all incarnations. She's a survivor. She once kicked the everloving shit out of Dean. And then later she convinced him to work with her. She's got guts.

12. Least favorite demon?

Ruby 2.0. My god, so annoying. And mush-mouthed. And bleah. And not at all badass and I can't remember if she ever beat the crap out of anyone as convincingly as 1.0 did.

13. Favorite one-episode character?

The sherrif from The Benders. A totally non-sexualized, awesome female characer? Yes, please!
There may be others, but nobody is springing to mind.

14. Sam's hair looked best in which season?

Is this some kind of trick question?

15. If the show would have ended the way Kripke wanted it to, with Sam and Dean battling each other and jumping into the hole together (and God might show mercy on them, idk), would you have preferred that?

That's inane. Like, original ending of Little Shop of Horrors on the big screen inane. Respect the power of the closeup.
Also what the hell? If they ended it that way it wouldn't even be Sam and Dean at the end at all, and there would be no resolution and what on earth would be the purpose of that?

16. Best cast character throughout the whole show?

Allllll of them?

Well, no, but I do really like Jim Beaver as Bobby. And whoever plays Ellen. Rufus. And the guy who played old!Dean. And Death.

Hmm. I swear I like some young characters (aside from the main ones, I mean). Ummm....

17. Do you think Chuck is God?

He'd better not be. What a lame idea. Gah.

18. Who's a hotter psychic, Patrica Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sam?

I have no idea who those first two are, so I guess Sam.

19. Freedom or Peace?

Why does there have to be a choice? Peace is a kind of freedom--mostly from the violence inflicted by others. I deny the terms of the question.

20. Dimples, freckles, eye-crinkles, bowlegs, bangs, woobie frowns or jaw clinches?

Where's the one for bruised knuckles and bleeding head wounds?

21. Favorite kind of monster?

Anything not ridiculous in the vein of the *cough* "Dragons". Oy. I kinda like the witches just because to my mind it raises tricky moral issues about killing them. They're bad, but they're also human beings. And the Winchesters have no qualms about killing them, which fascinates me. Once upon a time they were somebody's kid. And then they're cannon fodder.

22. Weapon of choice?


23. Favorite death?

Dean getting squashed by the falling desk.

I don't know. There's too many to keep track of. But the falling desk ranks pretty high.

24. Favorite minor character's death?

Maybe Adam when he dropped in the pit. Just because everyone forgets about the guy, and his existence is a massive cosmic joke and the punchline is BLISTERING HORROR. Jesus, what a nightmarish fate, for having done so very, very little.

25. Pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?

Yes, yes and yes. I really enjoy post-apocalyptic sci-fi, but that's more in regards to issues of human destruction of society or the environment or whatever, which really doesn't apply in this context. So I'll probably go pre- and during-. I'm lukewarm on the 2014 'verse, not sure exactly why. I think it's mainly because it felt, to me, like an ending of all the characters--by that point, Sam's been devoured, and Dean and Cas are no longer themselves. So they're all dead even before they die. What I mean is I find it very much an ending, and there's no place for these characters to develop beyond the points at which we find them.

26. Scariest episode?

"Nightshifter" was pretty nicely suspensful. MBV freaked me out with the shoving hands into fryer grease.

27. Best song that mattered for a scene? (you can't choose Carry on Wayward Son)

Bad Moon Rising.

28. Best and worst young versions of characters?

Worst: The one of Sam in Something Wicked, where he's like lobotomized. The interactions in After School Special were enjoyable and probably my favorite of the 'best'.

29. Characters I ship like crazy?

Eh, I enjoy Dean/Cas mostly because it's the only believable one that isn't incesty. And I honestly spent most of s4 going 'What is everyone going on about? I don't see it!' And then the season finale happened, and...yeah.

Also I kinda enjoy Dean/Lisa, though like a lot of people I was skeptical going in. But Lisa turned out to be awesome and asskicking and doomed, and stuff dealing with this pairing tends to be interesting and complex and worth the read.

30. Favorite female character?

Ellen. Hands down. Very few of the supposedly badass female characters actually seem so, and she sells it and then some.

31. Best and worst season intro and finale?

I still like the end of s1. So gutsy. S2 and s4 are the intros I rewatch the most. The s6 intro was dull in many many ways, so I don't know if it counts as 'worst' but it's definitely the least impressive of the bunch.

If you were expecting deep and meaningful thoughts in this--HA!

blather, spn

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