Sing the praises of pants!

Mar 13, 2012 19:22

Went to the mall today.

Second time in three years.

I did manage to find a pair of pants that fit--that are actually *cut* to fit and OH. MY. GOD. Is this what it's like for the portion of the population that pants are usually cut to fit? It's *amazing.* The sticker on the leg was all 'curvy fit' and 'no back gap' and I was like, 'Mmm-hmm, we'll see about that.'

People, it is like a little cradle for my butt. I'm not even kidding. I may actually post a picture of these pants.

Then the girl at the register forgot to take the ink tag off and now I have to go back tomorrow to get it off. Grr. But even so! Overall, I'm counting this one as a win.


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