
Feb 28, 2012 12:48

Something I'd like to read is an outsider!POV fic wherein the OC/main character sees Sam and perceives him as a big dumb bruiser type--maybe gentle and quiet, but not too bright and mostly inclined to think with his fists. And then this misapprehension would persist throughout the bulk of the fic. Maybe Sam's been cursed into not talking much, so ( Read more... )

blather, spn

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inheritedjeans February 28 2012, 21:42:43 UTC
I'd read that. Then again, I'll read anything that's outsiderPOV. Especially when that outsider is under horrible misapprehensions about the boys.


honeylocusttree February 28 2012, 21:44:54 UTC
It'd be extra neat if like the Sam situation wasn't even the main plot (or wasn't from the character's POV) and there was something else going on, and maybe the focus was on that other plot device/macguffin, but then it turned out later that the Sam situation was a pretty big clue or whatever.


inheritedjeans February 28 2012, 21:49:29 UTC
Oo, I'd love that--nobody's really concerned over Sam suddenly seeming really taciturn, or whatever, and it's just in the back of the outsider's mind. Subtly disregarding Sam, discounting him, not respecting whatever he does say. And then this leads into the possibility of unexpectedly BAMF!Sam.

Someone write this.


honeylocusttree February 28 2012, 21:52:14 UTC
As long as none of the characters were needlessly cruel. A lot of ficwriters like to include one-dimensional characterizations where people are jerks for no reason, or whatever, and that sort of thing drives me *bonkers*. I'd definitely want all the characters to be doing the best they could, even if it wasn't very nice. Y'know, having depth and *reasons* and stuff.


inheritedjeans February 28 2012, 21:56:37 UTC
Oh, I know, me too. But I think everyone has it in them to be prejudiced against people, for whatever reason. And this outsider just assumes a certain thing about Sam, and this colours how he perceives what Sam does, and the relevance he thinks it has to the situation. Or, uh, whatever? IDEK!


honeylocusttree February 28 2012, 22:39:35 UTC
As long as the characterization was in-depth and not just an attempt to write a cardboard cutout as a villain, that'd be fine.

I'm thinking more in terms of maybe being unconsciously patronizing, maybe. Seeing Sam and thinking of him as a kind of 'gentle giant' and drawing assumptions in a way that meshes seamlessly with his/her experience of everything else that's happening. Y'know, Sam introduced as a new character, he's a big guy, etc., he's helping with whatever else's going on.

For some reason I like the idea of him being paired up with Castiel only because it's the classic 'little guy is the brains, big guy's the brawn' sorta setup. It'd be fun if the OC was disappointed to find out that actually does seem to be the case...initially. (They could be looking for Dean, or something. I dunno. Plots are materializing around me...*flails at them*)


inheritedjeans February 28 2012, 22:51:03 UTC
... Well, my attempts to articulate myself are awful. Anyway, that's what I was trying to get at--unconscious patronization, or a well-meaning patronization. And yes, Cas would be a perfect foil, especially since he gives off that vibe of nerdy, awkward, tax accountant cliche.

Let those plots materialize! (Then write them, so I can read them :D)


honeylocusttree February 29 2012, 00:43:02 UTC
I keep waiting for that one fic idea that absolutely must be written, to break my writer's block (or whatever this is). Could this be...the one??


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