[o33] san francisco vs. new york

May 31, 2009 02:25

Okay. Here's a little background. I'm living in New York City for the summer, in a quaint little apartment in the East Village and I adore it. Last summer, I lived just outside the city of San Francisco and fell in love with the weather and the culture, cleanliness, and emphasis on design and technology. I think that both cities are incredibly romantic and vivacious and that when I graduate college in a year, I will end up working and living in one or the other because of my field. As a highly visual person this photographic compare and contrast is more to help myself consider the beauty of both cities.

I love riding the subway for its efficiency and speed, but the charm of a San Francisco street car makes me feel so damn whimsical.

Bad thing about the current state of the economy? You can hardly haggle anymore in Chinatown, NY. At least they still have cheap breakfast!

Basically both cities are filled with a ton of well-dressed people, most of which look chic and classy. When they aren't looking so hot you can bet that in NY it's ghetto-fab while in SF someone's rocking the free tech company t-shirt.

Phallic buildings are apparently a must for any thriving metropolis!

I love both of these photographs so much. The "spur of the moment" feeling from the first and then the poised almost perfect peck in the second. I was really happy the first time I went to SF and saw men showing PDA with other men - not in some creepy fan-girl "OMG!SLASH" sort of way but just in a "it's fucking awesome that people can do that here and not get talked about/scowled at/made fun of" way. I grew up in Texas, and you'd never see that in public there.

Okay, this one is a little "OMG!SLASH".

Pictured Above: Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, and NYU. Technically Stanford and Berkeley are just outside the city limits, but IT COUNTS, okay!? I like smart people.

Proof that no matter where you go, you can't escape the hipsters.

Because, hey, I'm thinking about my future! Plus looking at wedding photos is such a guilty pleasure and you know it.


So, apparently a far inferior amount of films and tv shows are filmed in SF than in NY. Which makes sense because the west-coast equivalent of NY in terms of entertainment would actually be LA/Hollywood, not SF. However, entertainment aside I do believe that SF and NY have more in common.

Plus, San Francisco being HQ to both ~*Star Fleet*~ and ~*SkyNet*~ totally makes up for the lack of quantity of films set there... and yes, it was totally necessary to add the squiggles and stars.

(Yes, I did include that Jennifer Lopez movie up in there. Yes, I did!)
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