Oh My GOD!!! Is this for real??!!

Aug 04, 2008 22:34

I need to digress from my usual fawning over AkaKame to have my say about recent spat of bad Johnny's news. I was reading uwasako's journal and came across some very shocking revelations about certain Johnnys' boys. I know that the boys are not perfect (who is anyway) but I din't expect them to act like thugs. And the fact that these two particular boys' images onscreen are totally opposite of what is reported make it seemed even more surreal! I was lost without words when I read the reports. One of them even involved their kouhais in their illicit acts. What kind of example are they setting for the younger ones? Do they really think that they can get away with it? Did they really think that the people that they are mixing around with would not blabber? Or is it just pure stupidity or arrogance on their part? There are even photos to prove it. It is baffling to me whenever they commit such stupid and irrational things. I am not saying they can't have their share of fun and freedom. However to jeopardise everything that they have painstakingly built for a moment's folly is just plain foolish. It not only affects them but also their members. Now as a huge and long supporter of not only the current Johnny's groups but also their sempai's, I am very sceptical whenever I see the boys on TV.

johnny's boys, reports

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