More AkaKame reports!

Aug 03, 2008 22:18

AkaKame reports are making me giddy with happiness. Thanks to Futari_love. Recently, it seemed that Kame and Jin had dine together at a restaurant that Jin and Taguchi had gone to previously for a shooting. This was reported by fans who had questioned staff from the "said" restaurant. Yeah! Jin and Kame seemed to be spending some alone time together despite their busy schedules.

There are even rumours about Kame having dinner with Jin's family or the other way around. Does this mean that their families approve of their relationship? My imagination is running wild... Or it could just mean that both families are close since Jin and Kame have been good friends for many years. But my heart wants to believe the first reason. :)

How I wish that these reports would follow up with some concrete proofs like a slip up by Kame or Jin, or photos maybe (okay, i know that its an invasion of privacy but these are priceless) or maybe a slip up by T-TUN or someone they know? That would make me float with joy!

kame, evidence, jin, akakame, reports

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