Latest news of AkaKame love at Ishikawa and Osaka concert

Jul 22, 2008 00:06

More delightful news of AkaKame love, credits to akame community. There seems to be a rampant spread of AkaKame love recently, which is of course most welcomed. Kame and Jin are more open about their feelings, arent they? YOKATTA, ne!!

Kame actually called Jin "Jin kun" instead of the usual Akanishi kun at the Ishikawa concert. Fans screamed when they heard this and caused Jin to blush in embarassment. How CUTE! Kame actually went as far as to say "Jin jin atsuiyo" which means Jin jin hot. And he started singing which Jin then decided to sing with him. They are so adorable. It would have been sweet to watch this scene, ne? It seemed that Kame sounded a bit awkward saying Jin jin as probably since this is the first time he did so in public.

Also Kame was closely watching Jin when he was rapping that he didn't notice when Taguchi spoke to him.

While during the Osaka concert, Kame once again shamelessly promoted Jin's speed racer by linking it to nothing in relation. Such love for Jin, ne?

Kame is so affcetionately towards Jin lately. Maybe something good happen? Yokatta ne, Kame chan. This is all good news for AkaKame fans (including myself of course). AkaKame love is alive and going strong!!! :)

kame, evidence, qop concert, jin, akakame

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