More concert report of AkaKame Love

Jul 19, 2008 00:20

This year has been filled with reports and sightings of AkaKame Love. But such wonderful news are never enough so more and more are welcomed. The latest news comes from Hokkaido and Osaka QoP concert reports, credits to akame community.

Apparently, AkaKame sat together on their flight to Hokkaido. During their concert talks, Kame would often find links to promote Jin's Speed Racer movie. For those who think that Kame is a selfish brat, you couldn't be more wrong. This proves how much Kame cares for Jin, ne.

It seemed that Jin had slightly grope Kame's butt when they sang Peaceful days which shocked Kame. Well Kame, tit for tat. Who can forget the infamous Kame groping Jin's butt incident during Cartoon KAT-TUN II You concert. Or maybe Jin just can't resist Kame's bootylicious butt especially when he is teasingly showing it off.

And to top it off, they actually spend time together playing darts with Ryo and another friend on 10th July. Well, all that time spent together during concert performances are never enough.

All these AkaKame news is making me drunk with happiness. But there is plenty of room for MORE!!!

kame, evidence, qop concert, jin, akakame

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