How I Met Your Mother, Season 1

May 03, 2008 18:00

Remember how I was lamenting the dearth of decent situation comedies? Yeah, well, I have to shut up now because I've fallen in love with HIMYM. I enjoyed the pilot somewhat but was still very cautious. I wondered if the quality would peak and then drop off, but I was delightfully surprise to find that the show just got more and more awesome with each episode. I was completely sold by the time I finished the "Slutty Pumpkin" episode.

Sitcoms are usually character-driven and often there's a main character that stands out above the rest and sort of "makes" the show. HIMYM doesn't really have a lead even though Future!Ted is the one doing the voice-overs. The biggest thing the show has going for it is the great ensemble cast and the amazing chemistry that they have with each other. Each player seems to get adequate time and character development and it's a good thing. I adore each of the characters but the fact that they deliver each in small enough doses and allow them to be more than one-dimensional ensures that you never get too much of Asshat Barney, Hopeless Romantic Ted, Commitment-phobe Robyn, or Cutest. Couple. Ever. Marshall and Lily. It's like a perfect pot of soup with the right amount of each ingredient.

I love that this show is grounded in realism when it comes to showing just how difficult it can be to connect with another person in a meaningful way and how hard it is to sustain that initial magic. I also love that they show the different ways that men and women communicate, without being too cliché about it.

My top 5 moments from the first season:

1. The awesome swordfight from "The Duel".

2. Lily and Marshall celebrate their anniversary in the bathroom in "Zip, Zip, Zip"

3. Ever single cabbie, my favourite being the one that assisted in the Re-return.

4. Marshall places items in Sandy Rivers' hair in "Mary the Paralegal"

5. Hippie Granola-eating, Sandal-wearing Barney singing on the tape in "Game Night"

Finally, Ted's poor kids' butts must be so numb by now.

how i met your mother

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