Smokin' in the boy's room

Dec 27, 2007 14:29

Despite my best efforts I did not receive coal in my stockings this year. The fact that Jamaicans don't have fireplaces to hang Christmas stockings might have more to do with it than my lack of naughtiness. I received several cards from family members telling me how happy and proud they are that I've remained such a "good girl". My friends know better though and according to the date on my birth certificate, I don't think I qualify for "girl" status anymore. As I said in a previous post, I already received what I wanted for Christmas when I left my lonely apartment in the freezer of Northern Ontario for my Mom's home in Kingston. It has been nice catching up with my brothers and my Uncle from South Korea. Still, I'm not going to lie, I loved my Christmas loot.

Santa was generous:
- 24 Season 5 (I like to pretend that Season 6 did not happen)
- A spa day (which included a haircut of which I'm not too happy with the results)
- Gold earrings
- Amber pendant to go with the bracelet I got for my birthday
- Scarf, toque and gloves for my return to the freezer
- Ginormous fuscia and white handbag
- TV/Entertainment armoire (well, money to buy the one I picked out)
- hematite jewelry

Not bad. By far, my favourite gift has been the handbag. As they say, it is better to get than to give. Right. Or something like that.

I haven't weighed myself but I think I've gained 5+ pounds from all the sugar carbs. Yesterday alone I had slices of fruit cake, black forrest cake (my fave), strawberry lichee cheese cake and lemon meringue pie. Yeah, slices, as in multiples of each. So much for Atkins. Like everyone else, I will be back on the treadmill at the gym in the new year. Now that I think about it, I think I'll avoid the gym until mid-February when all the new-years-resolutioners have run out of steam. Until then, I'll just walk/jog around downtown.

christmas, jamaica

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