In less than 10 days, I will be in Jamaica and out of this winter hell! It's too bad that I can't stay for the rest of winter, but it will be a nice break and it help me to deal with the winter term, or at least maintain my sanity. I get really depressed when I don't see the sun.
We'll be having a mini-family reunion when I get there and spending some time in Negril, Montego Bay and Runaway Bay. Unfortunately, my fave cousin Kelly won't be there. My Uncle from South Korea will be there though.
Also, I finished my Christmas shopping over a week ago. I was so relieved when I got the last gift on my list. I dived headfirst into my bed and just sprawled out in between the shopping bags and wrapping stuff. I have one batch of cards to mail off - the domestic ones. Those usually take a day to deliver.
I'm designing a new LJ Christmas card.
Last year's featured Daniel Craig. This year, of course, is Gerry's year, so I'll be working l oooooo nnnnnnn g and hard on it. Swords and spears may be involved.
Finally, I am getting a cat in the new year. His name is Baxter.