so im goin to se rabbit in the moon tonight
yay I get to meet charlies friends
boo I dont realy do the rave seen at all
its realy not even the skanky atmosphere that I have a probllem with
its the fact that im so synical and bitter and hatefull that the skankys throw off my happy drug child vibes and I dont like to go out of my way to be in a sticky kind of mood when I could just call home for that
but its charlies thing
Yah he's all kinds of into it
im not (NOT INTO IT) I just had a few crappy expiriences out int he fucking deserts of CA
with a certain my only reader and plenty of unmentionable substances and why the fuck did you take that girls phone # again because you never realy explained that one to me and what the fuck were you thinking because I remember what I was thinking i was thinking that I wished I was dead and that I wished you were dead and that I wished she was dead and that I wished everyone would just fucking die
but tonight is going to be fun im gonna have a fucking good time
Id rather be back in that old haunted cat house
oh yah I almost forgot
charlies crazy ex might be their to realy throw off my vibe.
I dont want things to get trashy but if they hafto...