hehe fun.

Sep 11, 2005 15:28

ok so...
thrusday: gym..found a locker buddy becuz it feels weird having a big locker all to myself. so now im sharing with courtney. drove to newbury comics to get erica's gift. then when i come out in the parking lot i looked like a moron cuz i thought i had scratched my car. and then i hear somone shout "i wanna be liz pandozzi cuz she is a loser". it was garett dubois and kiel quinn. they flipped me off. and then as i was drivin home as garett tells it, i passed a stop sign and i was speeding so fast that kiel was floorin it and he still couldnt reach me. i totally stopped at the stop sign. :P

friday: skool was ok, umm walked to work. then watched ellen and kanye west came on so of course i hadda call up my homegirls erica and lisa. haha he sang 'goldigger' and everyone knows that is the best song.

saturday: woke up really late. took a shower and rushed to work even tho the hair was half dry. then got out at 4. washed the car cuz it was disgusting. then drove to erica's. we all gave her gifts and took pics. then we were off to chelos. tabitha was comin in my car and she runs over to open the door and i pressed the 'panic' button and the alarm went off...she was like "wtf?" haha. then i attempted to turn around on the dead end street and drove in their neighbor's driveway and as erica and everyone else claim, i missed hittin the car by [thiisss] much. lol. then i was followin her mom's car. then i was weavin in and out of cars. and sped faster then her mom's car and everyone sed they arent gettin in the car with me lol. and at every light i wasnt payin attention cuz me and tabitha were fightin over the radio and she hadda keep tellin me when to go lol. FOUND OUT TABITHA WAS ON BOZO THE CLOWN!!! U ALL MEMBER THAT SHO>>>DONT LIE!!!! then we put it on hot 106 and 'goldigger' comes on. ya so tab calls up erica lol. then there was no good music...so i put on now 9 and we blasted pink and redman doin there rendition of 'sweet dreams' and the whole car was vibrating. i think i may have blown a speaker. who knows haha. then we were goin to chelos and the wendy's near it has this gigantic blownup frosty. so we decided we're gonna hike it on my car and put it on tab's roof.

so we get there and then my mom calls and is like "ur not takin that car into prov" so then later we hadda squish in the other cars. haha.

so we all sit down and talk bout random shit. brittney mentions the picture katie drew...which if ur readin this...u just mite not get it...but its the funniest thing ever. i swear. katie t. drew a pic in study on fri. which was a pic of the girl who is gonna be on that show "my super sweet 16". haha looks just like her!!!! we were laughin bout that and erica took out the pic and showed us...then she took this hilarious video...which u all will see very soon in which we're all like "happy bday bitch". i called katie's phone, and her stoner bro picked up and was like "uhhh" so i hung up cuz he sed she was next door or somethin. and then we gots our food. and ate and ate. abe and amanda recognized brian kenniki (cant spell but sound it out) there. he was busin the tables and abe is like "hi" and he just nods and then we're all bursting of laughter. so i had left over shrooms and nobody wanted them...so i made my own copy of katie's pic...and its funny cuz its all shrooms and the onion is the smile lol. then we all go to the bathroom..and omg lisa found the most disgusting thing ever lol. shannon took a pic of it lol. i was playin with the paper towel button thingy and i got this long strip and chmura wore it as a scarf. it looks superfly. then all the waiters and ppls sang happy bday to erica and she passed around the cake and we all ate some. mmm. then we were leavin. and we hadda go bac to her house so i could drop off the car. then we all squished in her mom's car with chelsea, jess, amanda, abe. and the rest were in her dad's truck. on the drive there we heard jamaican music and amanda goes "jamaican me crazy" lol. then we got to providence. walked around and talked. chmura was pissed that someone threw a flower in the water...cuz its a waste. and then i was pointin things out in the water and she was tellin me what it was.. some of our findings: a dunkin donuts cup, flower, plastic bag. and we all sat on the wall and let our feets dangle. walked around and shannon bought erica a flower. saw a kool horse. and amanda and abe sed "how do u start a black joke" and we're all like "we dk" and they're like ::looking around to see if black ppls are around:: lol. talked bout funny shit. talked bout all the funny lookin ppls. and all the ghetto ppls ;) then the nite came to an end and we all went home. erica's dad was freakin floorin it on the highway. it was funny. and then i drove jess home. and i saw her cool car. then as i was drivin home 'goldigger' came on :)
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