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Aug 29, 2005 20:10

haha today was a funny day.

well yesterday i went to bob's and saw erica, her mom and her sister lauren there. me and erica were talkin for like 30 min and then her mom wanted her to look at shoes. so erica tried on shoes and was like "whatev" but ended up gettin cooler sneaks. i tried on jeans wich i hated but my grandma liked. i didnt like them cuz it showed my ass crack.

today:woke up at like 12ish then spent 2 hours online discussin what the hell i was gonna do all day becuz it seems a certain someone cancelled a certain somethin. a certain somethin in which i cancelled work for. ya then realized that lopes is movin to tower hill road which is haunted. took a shower and got dressed. drove to alex's to pick him up then we were off to lisa's. alex was on the phone with quaresma for like ever. he sed that he was makin a cake. then as i was gonna park in lisa's driveway...i haddnt touched the brake yet and i put it in park then the car went like a foot forward and me and alex went forward really fast. we laughed cuz he was like "holy shit" lol. got lisa in the car and blasted ghetto music then we went to erica's. saw kayla and lauren who i hadnt seen in like forever! hung out in her room a while and talked. she showed me the panties she bought at bob's lol. "who wants buttons in the croch?" lmao. then her and lisa were hungry. so we were off to the kitchen. lauren kept playin kanye west's 'goldigger' for erica and lisa. so now it's stuck in my hed. we made roman noodles and erica hadda pour it in the bowls for me cuz i couldnt get it out with a fork. then she offered alex a donut and offered him another one before he finished it and she sed "o sry...i just love seeing people eat." then lisa had trouble gettin her noodles on the fork and i was tellin her to wrap them around it and she sed "that wont fit in my mouth!" lol. then we hung out in erica's room some more. she showed us pictures on the tv. we made alex take magazine quizzes. his beach babe is adam brody! we looked at pics of us from like 3 years ago. then erica was cleanin her closet and hangin up clothes. she took a hangar and i put it on her belt loop and she sed "hey i'm kool i have a hangar on my pants". then we ripped out magazine pics. eminem and chad micheal murray for lisa, lindsay lohan for alex, ashlee simpson's hair for erica cuz she likes it, and orlando bloom for me. lisa, erica, and i were complainin bout how skinny lindsay lohan is. "she has no more boobs".erica wanted to play bored games and was like "i got mad games" then we just sat around and watched tv. haha then golden girls came on and lisa goes "haha i love this show!" haha and then i sed that that was gonna be us in like 70 years. haha erica is the blonde one with the short curly hair. lisa is the one with the big glasses and curly white hair. i'm, as lisa calls her, the man-ly lookin one. lol. and tabitha is the old lady that was showin her cleavage and dated some old mexican guy. and lisa sed alex is a lamp in the backround.haha then it showed all these ppls in a class room and 'erica' was sittin at a desk. haha and there was this old chinese guy sittin behind her and then we decided he was alex. but then he was sittin behind 'erica' and made weird faces and kept talkin to her and botherin her. haha he looked a lil horny...so we sed it was someone else...lmfao. haha we laughed about it so much. then i called home to see who was there and my mom was like "where the hell are u...u didnt call!" so i hadda leave. we sed goodbye to the lovely miss erica and then i was gonna take lisa and alex home. haha i hadda turn around and i went in someones driveway and tried to back up and i went on their grass. haha lisa sed that she's gonna pass the road test with flyin colors. then i took her home and then as i was goin away i screeched and she gave me a look like "wtf". lol then as i was takin alex home...i noticed the emergency brake was on the whole time!!! thats why it was screechin. dropped alex off..and i saw a guy mowin the lawn in the rain and i was like 'who's that guy?" and alex sed "it's my mom's b/f" and i was thinkin it was weird that he was mowin the lawn in the rain. then sped home cuz my mom wanted me to help her cook dinner. the end. lol.
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