Whenever I saw the trucks out in the street in my getting home... oh, ffs. Half the neighborhood stood at the front of the park and CHEERED when the G&E guy flipped the switch. He even took a few bows. A car passed through a bit ago, the people inside whooping and cheering at the 'signs of life'. I'm surprised there isn't dancing in the driveway.
As suckass as it's been, I have to say, I am eternally grateful to our town's G&E. It's town-run, not county/state like the ones servicing surrounding towns and cities. And bang-on, they did it. They've been working non-stop for the last six days. As much of a bitch as I've been towards *everything*, I'm so damned grateful. North Carolina sent some reserves too, so thanks NC!
No more sitting at work for the wi-fi! An end to sitting OUTSIDE at the damned plaza for power and riffing off of someone's connection! Gone are the dark, dark nights spent crying over our horrors! HUZZAH! Now if only everyone else in town appreciated shit and drove like rational, kind human beings!... for real, that's been awful. No signals, accidents--one huge one near my work, where witnesses said that it looked really, really bad--and general rudeness. My OWN road-rage hit the red zone a few times with the idiocy about town. Hopefully, that too shall pass.
Oh god. Pan just turned on the water. And it's HOT.
ONE THING!!! I need linkage, especially for the Halloween C/Z event! Please help me catch up by shoving me towards your fics, I've missed them so!