May 07, 2005 11:13
Update on my life...
1) I won for most outstanding programming at the daycare center! yes! do even know how awesome thats going to look on my grad school resume? weeeeeeeeee!
2) Last night i went to Bright Eyes/ The Faint show. It was so awesome. first of all, i cant even explain how good The Faint is live. they are like, hot sexy explosive dynamite- everyone was dancing, is was awesome. my ears are still ringing (we were right up front). And it goes without saying that bright eyes was awesome. Conor Oberst was going crazy on stage, climbing on everything, jumping on the drums- He's so fun. It was awesome. I had the best time. The very opening act was pretty good, too- Her Space Holiday. It was like, Techemo, if you will.