September Round Up

Sep 17, 2008 10:40

This post is going to be a real mish mash, but here goes.

We bought a Bowflex, which is hilarious. They sell it on infomercials after all! But we bought it at Sears. Does that make it less sad? It was half price! So initially skeptical I am a solid (lol) convert at this time. It took a little while to adjust to the way you have to exercise with resistance instead of weights, but now I am into it. It's great. My one ab muscle hurts, but soon it won't be so lonely. I hope.

Some good books I've read lately:
The Wisdom of Whores - Elizabeth Pisani
A Long Way Gone - Ismael Beah
Iran Awakening - Shirin Ibadi
Infidel - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Currently reading: The Big Red Train Ride, by Eric Newby. I love how he writes, even about trips that are totally flawed and obstructed.

Work - going well. Would appreciate a certain person in a position of authority stopping with the come ons already. FOR CHRISSAKES!! Otherwise all is good.  Took time off to attend a course I wanted that I was denied, am being made to take another course I don't want. But it's all good.

After a couple trips requiring cancellations, I actually got out camping a couple times this summer. There was a weekend at Awenda, and a week canoing Massasauga, which was great. We actually had really nice weather, which is a change from the entire rest of the summer.

We took up golf, which is a lot of fun. They had a great deal at our local course. If the weather had been better we would have gotten out more, and rained off the course less.

The new Facebook sucks.

That is all.

books, life_in_general

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