Jan 08, 2006 00:44
I apologize for the recent pity party. I didn't mean to say that i don't like my friends. i'm just saying that this tends to happen, and it sucks. and no, john did not steal livi from me, things were unfortunately over before they ever began. and yes, i'm not going to delete anonymous comments, but don't leave them. if you're going to say something like that, tell me who you are. i think the pity party will only last a few more lines. I'll try to get it all out. I want girls to naturally gravitate toward me. I want people to appreciate my music. I want to be better at music. ok, that is all.
I had a strange dream, speaking of music. There was some really trippy song playing and it was like piano notes except stretched out and the pitch would drop really fast on each note, and somehow this song was causing the people around me to start acting very posessed. and there was the whole gnashing of teeth imagery. the posessed people were trying to shoot me, but luckily they kept not having ammunition. and that's about all I remember. I just remember waking up this morning and really hoping that 1. i don't get shot and 2. i don't get posessed.
Pretend this isn't like really lame. I'm going to put a couple verses up here, and if anyone reads this tell me which one is better.
Wandering in the shadows
Wandering about the light
They've pulled back all the curtains
and caused blindness instead of sight.
Making every diffrence.
not a difference I have made.
if people clash because they're different,
then I must be the same.
In asking who's unwelcome
the answer is hard to say
if the answer were a color
it'd be orange approaching grey.
choose whichever ones you like best, or if you don't like any of them, tell me. It's part of this song that I'm proud of. I was trying to learn to play this Schubert piano peice called Andante, and my mom and my siblings come bursting in making all this racket and totally throwing off everything. So i got really frustrated and decided to write a song with the same chord progression as the schubert piece and it would be about how frustrating it is to be interrupted when you're so into whatever you're doing. hmmmmm...... so Christmas and new years was fun. really just a lot of sitting around and playing NCAA 2005. i'm pretty much tired of typing now. so... Goodnight, all.