Membership to my sigtag club is now reopened!
If you have been wanting to join my sigtag club now is your chance.
Normal Prices are:
1 month $3
3 months $6
6 months $10
Now for a very special lj reopening sale:
1 Year for $15
Lifetime for $25 (only 10 8 available
Read more... )
If I remember right the gift/friends option isn't available in your country on paypal. Would you like me to send you an invoice?
The form is:
Sigtag Club form
Delivery email:
Paypal email:
Name on siggies:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Favorite Colors: (two to three please)
Anything else?
You can send in April gallery requests or request for a previous month's exclusives right away, there is a form on the left side of my site's sidebar for members to order siggies.
I will get your April exclusives made and send asap!
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