Sigtag Club

Apr 25, 2017 13:49

Membership to my sigtag club is now reopened!

If you have been wanting to join my sigtag club now is your chance.
Normal Prices are:
1 month $3
3 months $6
6 months $10

Now for a very special lj reopening sale:
1 Year for $15
Lifetime for $25 (only 10 8 available)

My sigtag club has three parts.
Part 1: I make 10 custom siggies that are exclusive to my members each month for every member and email them directly to you.
Part 2: You are able to request 10 items from my online gallery of over 2100 items each month, gallery items are not exclusive or you can request 1 pervious month's 10 exclusives.
Part 3: Sigmachine! I have sigmachine installed on my site with over 100 siggies on it. Updates to sigmachine are sporadic and not always exclusive but they are limited time. My Christmas calendar was public but after Christmas I closed it down, moved them into the sigmachine and now only members of my sigtag club have access to those.

This is a sample of some of the previously mailed out exclusives

You can find more examples on my site under "previous send outs" on the left sidebar. Click on the small images to open larger images.

If you wish to join my sigtag club send payment (use the friends and family in the US option) to via paypal. Then comment here so I can get you the form.

If you are choosing a 1, 3 or 6 month option you can use the join form on my site!

Once you join you will be invited to laurahdotcom, my update comm for my sigclub. There you will see posts when I mail out tags, when I update the gallery & when I update the sigmachine.

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