Job update

May 29, 2009 17:03

Now working 2 hours per day for a real estate broker trying to get him in with the banks, listing forclosures

Have submitted apps at three employment agencies and had an interview at one and have an interview on Monday at another.

Have emailed 22 resumes and still have 23 more to email out.

I really need money, so I finally broke down and applied to Starbucks today... *sigh*

Keep your fingers crossed!! I am applying to jobs like a mad women with a serious case of CDO (that's ocd alphabetized like it should be)

If you are interested, I'm looking for some upper level administrative jobs, Office Manager, Executive Assistant type stuff. I have a resume, cover letter and references all ready to go. Message me with any leads you might have.

One job I'm really hoping for is a database manager for Equality California, if only to have a job where I could be challenged in my abilities and support a cause very close to my heart at the same time! We'll see.

Ok, enough break taking, back to the grindstone before I have to make dinner.

job search

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