well, Friday was my papas birthday, and we were all there and his brothers came outa state to see him, he was sorta awake and aware of things but the morphine kinda made him outa it. and that day went ok i guess even though everyone was crying and upset. but the next day i was at my aunts and my mom got a call that we all had to get there as fast as possible. so my mom and everyone left and my mom drove the whole way there with her hazards on and flew through every red light and stop sign. we got there and sandee a friend thats a nurse..said its any hour now. soo everyone held on to my papaw and i laid in the bed with him and we all prayed over him for god to take him and hes ready. well for some reason my papaws blood pressure went back up to normal and my sandee was wondering why he was holding on. well everyone had said they loved him to him and kissed him and told him its ok to go except paula. well she walked in and hugged him and kissed him and told him everything and maybe two minutes later he took his last breath with the whole family in the room and i was sitting with my aunt and she grabbed me and we cried forever and then i saw my cuzin nicole breaking down and i grabbed her and we cried on the floor for a long time then my dad grabbed us and we all cried and then a little bit later after everyone settled down, angie was sitting on the bed by him and said u know what time he died was his birthday. and it was 10:42 my papa was born on the tenth month in 1942. and he didnt gasp for air or anything he just took a last breath and went so peacefully. i miss him. i was just thinking of all the tiems we spent and it really hurts to not have him here. but i know hes in heaven not suffering. but the next day we all ate and me and steve cooked for everyone. i dont really have much else to say. i have to finish my book im makeing for the funeral. its hard wakeing up over there and not hearing him coughing or his oxygen machine or anything. i have on his slippers right now. :)
thank you dj for everything..gettting my homework, coming over and talking to my mom, and everything. you are turely a awesome friend i luv you! :)
the showing and stuff is tomorrow in ohio and then wednesday we are leaving for wv and thursday is the burial and 2nd funeral.
http://www.chronicletelegram.com/obits.html im gonna go take a shower im tired of typing and i shopped for clothes today for the funerals and my toe hurts from tobias dropping a rock on it and i babysat him and vinnie with nicole today that was fun....not
but sunday i went to fridays with my uncle and tobias and nicole and tyler and kyle and dad and they sang happy b day to tobias it was funny i had fun with my family. and i think friday it was or something i dont remember when i went to fridays with nicole and my dad that was fun too..lol i saw chris there
im going to bed now ... bye all