Oct 07, 2004 09:36
how wonderful! im in school again!! yeah...so i took my english test, and i have no idea how i did, but oh well i dont really care right now. After english B-O-R-I-N-G music appreciation! YUCK! im seriously so sick of listening to mr ewald talk about his gay band and its so annoying...AHHH!! sooo the whole class period i yanked out the existing wood peices in my hand and almost fell asleep like 10,000 times.. and then THE BELL RING!! and i got my goldfish and warm scarf!! and now im in mrs. spragues room with erin and listening to some gooood music and stuff. today i go to the doctors and then to my g-mas to eat some food!! shes cooking dinner for us. but i dont know if i will just blow off dinner and go see my papaw...well i dont know what else to put in this thing!! thanks for commenting guys! :)
my lower back is killin me it hurts so bad and i have no idea why...