Jan 22, 2004 11:05
One question you might ask is "If there's so much evil in the world, how can there be a God?" Do you then also ask "If there's so much good in the world, how can there not be a God?". Probably not . As humans we're more likely to look at the bad. And yet its just as good an argument as the other.
But the thing about a 'good' Christian is that they don't simply use reason, which bows down faithfully to the evidence, but rather they use faith, which is prejudiced.
'Aha!' you might think that's a bad thing. But lets take a best friend of yours... whoever you know the best. Lets say a police officer comes to your door and says "We're here to arrest (insert name), because he/she murdered several of his/her neighbors and cut off their heads and we have witnesses who say they saw it happen." But you know this person, and you know it has to be a mistake.
Or if i gave you a 120 page report on why birds can't fly, would you believe me? No, because you've seen them fly.
In true Christianity, the bible is background, and the church a support system. True Christianity is not about religion, but about having a personal relationship (experience) with God. (In fact Jesus himself criticized religion time and again in the bible).
To a Christian who knows God, its like telling someone their best friend doesnt exist. You in essence are telling me that someone in my life doesnt' exist because you havent met him?
Similarly i could say that you're not really there, even though we interact. But i can't hear you, feel you, or see you. So you don't exist.
You see, i have experienced my God's presence in my life.
Once, at a pizza parlor for some early lunch, i sat outside on the porch while most people were still at work or school. The sound of rustling leaves caught my attention. Looking up, i watched the wind cause the branches of some trees wave back and forth. It took my breath away to watch, because it was beautiful. Have you ever just stood there and took in the creation around you?
I see God's hand in creation, seeing things of beauty, not believing our things of beauty are simply the result of astronomical random chance.
If we landed on Mars and found an abandoned computer- even an alien one- we would not presume it had accidentally formed through random chance over billions of years. We would see the complexity of the machine and the intentional design, and from that we would presume that someone had designed and manufactured it.
And yet when we observe humans, which are far, far more complex and intentional in design than computers, we presume random chance first and creator second? You have a biological computer in your skull far more complex and efficient than any PC.
And the universe, by all accounts so far, doesn't have consciousness. Yet, it has an intelligent design and function. Therefore, there has to be a designer. An intelligently-designed object is an impossibility without an intelligent designer, and nothing we know about the universe gives it the ability to design and maintain itself.