Jul 09, 2004 22:13
the quince is cancelled. indefinitely:
petty theft.
i knew it was coming. i knew it, & i let it happen.
i dont think i regret it. we all get caught.
damn i need to get this off my record so I can get that job @ See's Candies.
well since this is my 1st update in a while...
summer school is awful. I'm anemic & things have never been worse
between me & my parents. ive been drawing more but writing less...
..not that it really matters. i need to read sister carrie. now.
hmm. i'm not even upset. this is all a great learning experience.
..my mugshots are awful. ha
well, im constantly sleepy but i can't fall asleep. at all anymore.
i think im avoidant deep down.
i also feel like im out of touch w/ everyone;
its scary, realizing i have no one- but its slowed down my life
a lot and I'm kind of enjoying it for the time being.
i eat a lot more but my self esteem is just well, not there.
im gonna blame this on my parents. i dont want to blow it out
of proportion, but yeah. ill blame them. im gonna diagnose
myself a cleptomaniac. its funny how we were so worried about our parents
but then it was comical underneath it all.
this'll all be yesterday tomorrow, right?
well ive typed too much for lj.
hmm. ill update tomorrow and post a picture.
peace out kiddos!
the quince is still on. lucky for me, all the contracts had been signed,
& my dad said he wasnt gonna waste his money for nothing.
that and he didnt want to feel humiliated around his friends.
unfortunately, jessika & jackie, my loves(!) cant be in it.
(I hope you girls are doing ok)
im grounded for all of summer & receiving constant verbal abuse from
my folks. theres nothing i hate more than the fucking yelling. id rather
get beaten. no one ever understands that, though. i dont want this entry to be
depressing though, i feel marvelous. ive been practicing buddhism lately
and its like fucking holistic healing. things have never been better.
expect an update soon..